I think it's illegal to eat swans over here, except with special permission of the Queen or someone important. I'm told the ones on Wanstead Lake were swimming quite happily today; I didn't get there to have a look, myself.
Image from http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chester_Cathedral_-_Weihnachtsfenster.jpg
Just a little something to bring in the New Year. The Shorter New Oxford Book of Carols says "This may have been written for the rumbustious festival of the subdeacons/lay brothers on New Year's Day." Of course I would never encourage any early rumbustiousness*.
Verbum Patris Umanatur by artsyhonker
Verbum Patris umanatur, O! O!
Dum puella salutatur, O! O!
Salutata fecundatur viri nescia.
He! he! hei! nova gaudia!
Novus modus geniture, O! O!
Sed excedens ius nature, O! O!
Dum unitur creature Creans omnia.
He! he! hei! nova gaudia!
Audi partum praeter morem, O! O!
Virgo parit Salvatorem, O! O!
Creatura Creatorem, Patrem filia.
He! he! hei! nova gaudia!
In parente Salvatoris, O! O!
Non est parens nostri moris, O! O!
Virgo parit, nec pudoris marcent lilia.
He! he! hei! nova gaudia!
Homo Deus nobis datur, O! O!
Datus nobis demonstratur, O! O!
Dum pax terris nuntiatur celis gloria.
He! he! hei! nova gaudia!
The translation is, roughly:
The word of the Father is made man, maiden, conception, mumble, hurrah, new joy!
This is a new manner of birth, exceeding the power of nature, mumble Creator united with everything mumble, hurrah, new joy!
Hear of a birth mumble, a Virgin has borne the Saviour, mumble creature/Creator, daughter of the Father, hurrah, new joy!
Something about the parent of the Saviour being different from what we know as parenting, Virgin, lilies, hurrah, new joy!
God made man is given to us; this is demonstrated, peace on earth mumble glory in the heavens, hurrah, new joy!
No, I have never studied Latin. And the translation in the Shorter New Oxford Book of Carols is, as far as I can tell, not in the public domain.
*Any rumbustiousness I get up to tonight will have to be comparatively early, as tomorrow is Sunday and that means I will be at church making rather a lot of noise at everyone else's hangover.
Saturday, 31 December 2011
Friday, 30 December 2011
Six Geese-a-Laying
More geese!?
This isn't the most popular tune for this particular carol; though it is in Carols for Choirs 1, I've never heard it sung in a service.
Any mother will tell you that "no crying he makes" is a complete fiction; it's bad theology to imply that the Christ child was not fully human, as well as fully divine. But I like this tune, so here you go.
Away in a manger by artsyhonker
Away in a manger, no crib for a bed,
The little Lord Jesus laid down His sweet head.
The stars in the bright sky looked down where He lay,
The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay.
The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes,
But little Lord Jesus no crying He makes.
I love Thee, Lord Jesus! Look down from the sky,
And stay by my side until morning is nigh.
Be near me, Lord Jesus; I ask Thee to stay
Close by me forever, and love me, I pray.
Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care,
And fit us for heaven, to live with Thee there.
This isn't the most popular tune for this particular carol; though it is in Carols for Choirs 1, I've never heard it sung in a service.
Any mother will tell you that "no crying he makes" is a complete fiction; it's bad theology to imply that the Christ child was not fully human, as well as fully divine. But I like this tune, so here you go.
Away in a manger by artsyhonker
Away in a manger, no crib for a bed,
The little Lord Jesus laid down His sweet head.
The stars in the bright sky looked down where He lay,
The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay.
The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes,
But little Lord Jesus no crying He makes.
I love Thee, Lord Jesus! Look down from the sky,
And stay by my side until morning is nigh.
Be near me, Lord Jesus; I ask Thee to stay
Close by me forever, and love me, I pray.
Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care,
And fit us for heaven, to live with Thee there.
Thursday, 29 December 2011
Five Gold Rings
Finally off the poultry! Though if you look closely there is the Holy Spirit, represented by a dove, in this stained glass window of the Annunciation.
This is very much a mixture of old and new. The words date from the 15th Century. The music dates from 2010 and is by one Chris Upton, who has released it under my favourite license, CC BY-SA.
I Syng of a Mayden by artsyhonker
I syng of a mayden
þat is makeles,
kyng of alle kynges
to here sone che ches.
He cam also stylle
þer his moder was
as dew in aprylle,
þat fallyt on þe gras.
He cam also stylle
to his moderes bowr
as dew in aprille,
þat fallyt on þe flour.
He cam also stylle
þer his moder lay
as dew in Aprille,
þat fallyt on þe spray.;
Moder & mayden
was neuer non but che –
wel may swych a lady
Godes moder be.
I sing of a maiden
That is matchless,
King of all kings
For her son she chose.
He came as still
Where his mother was
As dew in April
That falls on the grass.
He came as still
To his mother's bower
As dew in April
That falls on the flower.
He came as still
Where his mother lay
As dew in April
That falls on the spray.
Mother and maiden
Was never none but she;
Well may such a lady
God's mother be.
This is very much a mixture of old and new. The words date from the 15th Century. The music dates from 2010 and is by one Chris Upton, who has released it under my favourite license, CC BY-SA.
I Syng of a Mayden by artsyhonker
I syng of a mayden
þat is makeles,
kyng of alle kynges
to here sone che ches.
He cam also stylle
þer his moder was
as dew in aprylle,
þat fallyt on þe gras.
He cam also stylle
to his moderes bowr
as dew in aprille,
þat fallyt on þe flour.
He cam also stylle
þer his moder lay
as dew in Aprille,
þat fallyt on þe spray.;
Moder & mayden
was neuer non but che –
wel may swych a lady
Godes moder be.
I sing of a maiden
That is matchless,
King of all kings
For her son she chose.
He came as still
Where his mother was
As dew in April
That falls on the grass.
He came as still
To his mother's bower
As dew in April
That falls on the flower.
He came as still
Where his mother lay
As dew in April
That falls on the spray.
Mother and maiden
Was never none but she;
Well may such a lady
God's mother be.
I Syng of a Mayden,
multi-track recording
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
Four calling birds
As usual, no birds. I guess turtle doves just aren't nocturnal...
Image from http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Merope.jpg
I know about this piece of music thanks to Francis Roads, Tim Henderson and the London Gallery Quire, where I play serpent and occasionally sing a bit or wave my arms about.
I've transposed it down a semi-tone for comfort, and am playing the instrumental bassline on the horn rather than a string instrument; a string instrument or maybe a bassoon would be more historically accurate but I don't play them! And the serpent is a bit too honky for this piece. While the tune, Epiphany, is anonymous, it puts me very much in mind of the music of Phocion Henley.
I love Wesley's words, which remind me of part of the Benedictus:
"Through the tender mercy of our God : whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us;
To give light to them that sit in darkness, and in the shadow of death : and to guide our feet into the way of peace."
Wesley might not have been writing about the Holy Innocents, but I think it's an appropriate text for this day.
Sons of men, behold from far by artsyhonker
Sons of men, behold from far,
Hail the long-expected star!
Jacob's star, that gilds the night,
Guides bewildered nature right.
Fear not hence that ill should flow;
Wars and pestilence below;
Wars it bids, and tumults cease,
Ush'ring in the Prince of Peace.
Mild it shines on all beneath,
Piercing through the shades of death;
Scatt'ring error's wide-spread night,
Kindling darkness into light.
Nations all, remote and near,
Haste to see your God appear:
Haste, for Him your hearts prepare,
Meet Him manifested there.
There behold the Day-spring rise,
Pouring light upon your eyes:
See it chase the shades away,
Shining to the perfect day.
Sing, ye morning stars again,
God descends on earth to reign,
Deigns for man His life to employ;
Shout, ye sons of God, for joy.
Image from http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Merope.jpg
I know about this piece of music thanks to Francis Roads, Tim Henderson and the London Gallery Quire, where I play serpent and occasionally sing a bit or wave my arms about.
I've transposed it down a semi-tone for comfort, and am playing the instrumental bassline on the horn rather than a string instrument; a string instrument or maybe a bassoon would be more historically accurate but I don't play them! And the serpent is a bit too honky for this piece. While the tune, Epiphany, is anonymous, it puts me very much in mind of the music of Phocion Henley.
I love Wesley's words, which remind me of part of the Benedictus:
"Through the tender mercy of our God : whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us;
To give light to them that sit in darkness, and in the shadow of death : and to guide our feet into the way of peace."
Wesley might not have been writing about the Holy Innocents, but I think it's an appropriate text for this day.
Sons of men, behold from far by artsyhonker
Sons of men, behold from far,
Hail the long-expected star!
Jacob's star, that gilds the night,
Guides bewildered nature right.
Fear not hence that ill should flow;
Wars and pestilence below;
Wars it bids, and tumults cease,
Ush'ring in the Prince of Peace.
Mild it shines on all beneath,
Piercing through the shades of death;
Scatt'ring error's wide-spread night,
Kindling darkness into light.
Nations all, remote and near,
Haste to see your God appear:
Haste, for Him your hearts prepare,
Meet Him manifested there.
There behold the Day-spring rise,
Pouring light upon your eyes:
See it chase the shades away,
Shining to the perfect day.
Sing, ye morning stars again,
God descends on earth to reign,
Deigns for man His life to employ;
Shout, ye sons of God, for joy.
Tuesday, 27 December 2011
Three French Hens
No, I don't have three French hens. I don't have three English hens. I don't even have one hen, of any description. I'm still eating leftover goose, if you must know.
I've been eating leftover goose, and trying to catch up with the world, and getting discouraged about politics. The Saviour of the world may have been born but looking at the state of things, "salvation" is not the word that comes to mind... and I know, I'm not suffering, I'm eating goose for crying aloud, but that doesn't actually make it all right that other people are worrying about how they're going to get health care, how they're going to feed their families, how they're going to find somewhere safe to sleep.
Image from http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mare_de_Deu_del_Castell_d%27Agres.jpg
I don't have a constructive response to this. My instinct is to hold the ones I care about and tell them it will be okay...
So here, have a lullaby.
Swete was the song the Virgine soong by artsyhonker
Swete was the song the Virgine soong
When she to Bethlem Juda came
And was deliver'd of hir Sonne
Who blessed Jesus hath to Name.
"Lulla, lulla, lulla, lullaby,
Lulla, lulla, lulla, lullaby,
Swete Babe!" soong shee;
"My Sonne and eke my Saviour borne,
Which hath vouchsafed from an high
To visitt us that ware forlorne.
La lulla, la lulla, la lullaby,
Swete Babe!" soong she,
And rockt him featly one hir knee.
I've been eating leftover goose, and trying to catch up with the world, and getting discouraged about politics. The Saviour of the world may have been born but looking at the state of things, "salvation" is not the word that comes to mind... and I know, I'm not suffering, I'm eating goose for crying aloud, but that doesn't actually make it all right that other people are worrying about how they're going to get health care, how they're going to feed their families, how they're going to find somewhere safe to sleep.
Image from http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mare_de_Deu_del_Castell_d%27Agres.jpg
I don't have a constructive response to this. My instinct is to hold the ones I care about and tell them it will be okay...
So here, have a lullaby.
Swete was the song the Virgine soong by artsyhonker
Swete was the song the Virgine soong
When she to Bethlem Juda came
And was deliver'd of hir Sonne
Who blessed Jesus hath to Name.
"Lulla, lulla, lulla, lullaby,
Lulla, lulla, lulla, lullaby,
Swete Babe!" soong shee;
"My Sonne and eke my Saviour borne,
Which hath vouchsafed from an high
To visitt us that ware forlorne.
La lulla, la lulla, la lullaby,
Swete Babe!" soong she,
And rockt him featly one hir knee.
Monday, 26 December 2011
Two Turtle Doves
Okay, there are no turtle doves in this file. Just me, and a serpent.
The version I sing isn't exactly what's on that ancient manuscript; but it is good fun.
Resonet in Laudibus by artsyhonker
Resonet in laudibus
Cum jucundis plausibus
Sion cum fidelibus
Apparuit quem genuit Maria!
Christus natus hodie
Ex Maria Virgine
Sine virili semine:
Apparuit quem genuit Maria!
Pueri, concinite,
Nato Regi, psallite,
Voce pia dicite:
Apparuit quem genuit Maria!
Sion, lauda Dominum,
Salvatorem hominum,
Purgatorem criminum:
Apparuit quem genuit Maria!
Deo laus et gloria,
Virtus et victoria,
Perpete memoria:
Apparuit quem genuit Maria!
The version I sing isn't exactly what's on that ancient manuscript; but it is good fun.
Resonet in Laudibus by artsyhonker
Resonet in laudibus
Cum jucundis plausibus
Sion cum fidelibus
Apparuit quem genuit Maria!
Christus natus hodie
Ex Maria Virgine
Sine virili semine:
Apparuit quem genuit Maria!
Pueri, concinite,
Nato Regi, psallite,
Voce pia dicite:
Apparuit quem genuit Maria!
Sion, lauda Dominum,
Salvatorem hominum,
Purgatorem criminum:
Apparuit quem genuit Maria!
Deo laus et gloria,
Virtus et victoria,
Perpete memoria:
Apparuit quem genuit Maria!
Sunday, 25 December 2011
A Partridge in a Pear Tree
Well, not quite a partridge. We had goose for dinner.
Not quite a pear tree, either, but holly:
Image from http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hulst2.jpg
Green Grow'th the Holly by artsyhonker
Not quite a pear tree, either, but holly:
Image from http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hulst2.jpg
Green Grow'th the Holly by artsyhonker
Thursday, 22 December 2011
Flash Compline: 8.30pm, Friday 23rd December, Whittington Garden
There will be a Flash Compline service at 8.30pm on Friday, 23rd December, at Whittington Garden, near Cannon St rail - here's a map.
Music: We will use this setting of Compline.If you want to let us know you're coming then respond to the Facebook Event or reply to this post, but no need to confirm: you can just turn up, if you'd rather.
We will have a small number of spare copies, which you can purchase for £2 if you want to keep them, or borrow if you don't. Don't worry if you aren't a confident singer -- follow along with the text and see what you can pick up. Everyone is welcome. If we don't have enough confident singers we can always say the liturgy instead.
This setting uses the words from Common Worship Traditional Language Compline. Various smartphone apps for this exist and it is also available from the C of E website on the day, if you're worried we won't have enough music or you'd rather just use the words.
You may wish to bring a torch or book light.
Sunday, 11 December 2011
Flash Compline: 8:30pm, Monday 12th December.
There will be a Flash Compline service at 8.30pm on Monday, 12th December, at Christ Church Greyfriars, near St Paul's tube - here's a map
Music: We will use this setting of Compline.We will have a small number of spare copies, which you can purchase for £2 if you want to keep them, or borrow if you don't. Don't worry if you aren't a confident singer -- follow along with the text and see what you can pick up. Everyone is welcome. If we don't have enough confident singers we can always say the liturgy instead.
This setting uses the words from Common Worship Traditional Language Compline. Various smartphone apps for this exist and it is also available from the C of E website on the day, if you're worried we won't have enough music or you'd rather just use the words.
You may wish to bring a torch or book light.
Thursday, 8 December 2011
When you made this planet
Some time ago, Thomas Thurman drew my attention to a text to try setting as a hymn. The story behind the text, as well as the text itself, is here.
After spending the requisite months sitting in a "drafts" drawer while I got distracted by other things, and some help with editing from various people (Dr Christopher Parker at St Mary's Addington was particularly helpful), I think it's about as finished as it is going to get.
I've called the tune "Hitchin", because that is the birthplace of the author of the text, and because clever Latin things ended up looking like "Cum hoc tellure" which, let's face it, isn't going to be a giggle-proof title for working with choirs.
Today the some churches celebrate or remember the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and this morning after the necessary clarification about just whose conception this refers to (the Immaculate Conception is not the same as the Virgin Birth), I was thinking about that. I was thinking about how it is that when someone does something wonderful, or fulfills what we might call God's purposes for them, we are sometimes tempted to say "Oh, but they're special, we could never do that..." rather than being inspired by their actions. For me, the amazing thing about Mary is not that God chose her or somehow set her aside -- whether or however that happened -- but that she said YES. "Let it be unto me according to thy will," she said.
Or possibly, in today's language, "My Lord, I pray my life will mirror you."
Here is a .pdf of the music.
Here is a .midi file of robots singing it.
As usual, the material is CC BY-SA.
After spending the requisite months sitting in a "drafts" drawer while I got distracted by other things, and some help with editing from various people (Dr Christopher Parker at St Mary's Addington was particularly helpful), I think it's about as finished as it is going to get.
I've called the tune "Hitchin", because that is the birthplace of the author of the text, and because clever Latin things ended up looking like "Cum hoc tellure" which, let's face it, isn't going to be a giggle-proof title for working with choirs.
Today the some churches celebrate or remember the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and this morning after the necessary clarification about just whose conception this refers to (the Immaculate Conception is not the same as the Virgin Birth), I was thinking about that. I was thinking about how it is that when someone does something wonderful, or fulfills what we might call God's purposes for them, we are sometimes tempted to say "Oh, but they're special, we could never do that..." rather than being inspired by their actions. For me, the amazing thing about Mary is not that God chose her or somehow set her aside -- whether or however that happened -- but that she said YES. "Let it be unto me according to thy will," she said.
Or possibly, in today's language, "My Lord, I pray my life will mirror you."
Here is a .pdf of the music.
Here is a .midi file of robots singing it.
As usual, the material is CC BY-SA.
Monday, 5 December 2011
1) Flash Compline again tonight. Christ Church Greyfriars, 9.15pm. Details here. We arrive quietly, and depart in silence.
2) I have a very rudimentary page on Bandcamp now. It lacks a biography, pictures, that sort of thing. The one track there is one that you can also download for free from Soundcloud; I'm using it as a sort of test, to play around with things like artwork. So it's very un-pretty right now, but it's there. Advice, other than "do more stuff with it", would be welcome.
3) The Advent Psalms are going well but I am, obviously, not going to have the booklet done by the start of Advent. I will try to finish something by January, so that the next time Year B comes around I can just point at it. This may seem like a long way off but these lectionary cycles seem to go awfully fast if you ask me. If I do the same thing for Lent I will try and get it finished with more time to spare.
4) I've started using my Dreamwidth account as a sort of notes repository for creative projects. The idea is that I update the post for each project as I go along, so that my various notes are all in one place. I can make the entries private or restrict them to an access list of Dreamwidth/OpenID users if I need to put more sensitive information in them.
5) Everything Takes Longer.
2) I have a very rudimentary page on Bandcamp now. It lacks a biography, pictures, that sort of thing. The one track there is one that you can also download for free from Soundcloud; I'm using it as a sort of test, to play around with things like artwork. So it's very un-pretty right now, but it's there. Advice, other than "do more stuff with it", would be welcome.
3) The Advent Psalms are going well but I am, obviously, not going to have the booklet done by the start of Advent. I will try to finish something by January, so that the next time Year B comes around I can just point at it. This may seem like a long way off but these lectionary cycles seem to go awfully fast if you ask me. If I do the same thing for Lent I will try and get it finished with more time to spare.
4) I've started using my Dreamwidth account as a sort of notes repository for creative projects. The idea is that I update the post for each project as I go along, so that my various notes are all in one place. I can make the entries private or restrict them to an access list of Dreamwidth/OpenID users if I need to put more sensitive information in them.
5) Everything Takes Longer.
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